Monday, December 17, 2012

Revision 100


We just missed posting our 100th revision to our SVN server. So for now, you will have to do with number 101. Let´s hope we will notice revision 200 so that we can let you know.

Also, we just hand in our code for checking. Hopefully we are on the right track!


Friday, December 7, 2012


After a week, we've finally gotten the time to create a new post. We've been busy programming, and creating sprites. We're very busy trying to get the game to work properly and consistently before December 17th, when the code has to be handed in for midterm checking.
After that, the 20th, we'll have to present our game to the rest of the teams. We aim to have a semi-playable game with voice control, so we can present something cool to the rest.
So from now on I will be focussing on the art and the voicecontrol, Arjan and Tim Ha will be focussing on the menu, Rem will be focussing on cleaning up our code and going on to create a working game, and Tim Ho will keep on focussing on the AI and pathfinding. This way we hope to get it all done in time.
So I'll go on and create some more art, type some lines of code and create a kick-ass game.
