Monday, January 28, 2013


Hey everybody!

I'm very happy to announce that we're done with the project. Not everything we aimed for worked out, but we're happy with the result. The last few weeks we've all been working our figurative butts off, so we're all delighted the work's finally over.
We had to create promotional for our game too. The assignment told us to create a trailer video and a flyer for our game. The video has been posted on YouTube and the flyer will be posted as a page on our blog.
We've had some plans to develop our game further as a sideproject after the deadline. And if we do we'll be putting a final post on here telling you where to find the new blog and what to expect from our game.
That's it for now, seeing as we all have to learn for a exam this evening, so I hope to see you later.


Saturday, January 26, 2013

The end drawing near

Again, another milestone in our SVN revision. This time it is number 400! You might have noticed that the intervals between them have been shortened every time. Apparently we work better under pressure. We are working very hard on polishing the game, making it look even better and fixing a lot of bugs. That's it for now, I have to get back to programming!


Friday, January 25, 2013

Hey everyone!

So right now it's only 3 days before the deadline, so I'll have to keep it short. This time I'd like to explain a little bit more about our network code, seeing as I wasn't that clear about it last time.
So here's the overview.
First of all, when you start the game, and go to the online menu, the game will connect to our gamelist server.
On that server the gamelist is stored and sent to all the people who want to play online.
When you hit refresh a new gamelist is sent, and if you hit new game, a new game will be sent to the server. After that you disconnect with the server because you wont need to use it anymore, also, you will go to the pre-game lobby menu, where you wait for someone to join. To join you have to select one of the games in the gamelist and hit the join button, after which you will also go to the pregame lobby and connect with the host. In that screen you can chat, if you both pressed ready, the game host will be able to press start, after which the game will commence.
so in a drawing:

So that's all for today guys, since there is a lot of work to be done before monday.


Wednesday, January 23, 2013

The joy of programming

Hello all,

Little update from me again. Today I made the 300th revision! This means we work a lot more than before and this can be seen in the progress we are making. Yet it still is programming, so when I changed a 1 into a 3 Yesterday, the whole game stopped working correctly. After searching for some time I found this error and was really surprised to find out it was this subtle change that caused this whole chain reaction. Luckily I was able to find this error very fast so today we are able to do a lot of work.

Anyway I think I should get to work very fast so I can finish up the sounds, see you around!

Tim Hoogenkamp

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Network talk

Hey again guys!

So with all the sprites done I figured I'd put a spritesheet on the blog. If you want to see it, it's on the concept art page of the blog. I'm very pleased to be done with this, so I can finally start working on the network code.
It shouldn't be too hard to get it all to work, as our game's mechanics force synchronous behaviour. I did ran into a few problems earlier tho. I've created a server which keeps track of all the games, and sends them to the game when you search for games. The server itself is already done by now. The problem I ran into was the fact I wanted to use the IPAddress of the host as the key for a dictionary (which represents the gamelist).
I tried to send the IP of the host to the server, so I needed the external IP of the computer on which the game was running. The only way to do that is to get your IP from a service like, but they all have rules similar to things like, only 1 lookup per 5 minutes. But even for our testing purposes we might overdo that. So I kept thinking and came up with the idea of not sending the IP, but just getting the IP on the server end, which is way easier.

Socket s = client.Client;
IPEndPoint tempip = s.RemoteEndPoint as IPEndPoint;
return tempip.Address;

You'd put this in a method and pass it the client you're connected to. So in our code, as soon as a connection starts the method is called and we get our IP address which we can then use as a key in our dictionary, if the user decides to create a new game.
On the server console that would look like this:

I don't know who added the lovely little rabbit, but I like it.

That's it for today folks, see you around next time.


Wednesday, January 16, 2013

200th revision and more

With the deadline approaching we all have to start working harder to get it all done. Today we have been working all on the game using Skype and many revisions later, we have reached our next milestone. I hereby present to you, as promised, revision 200!

Furthermore, we have done a lot of work today, such as improving the AI, adding the final sprites and setting the game to 720p. You can see all the units in the newly created page on our blog: "Concept Art".


Hey again,

It's been too long, I know right, but I've been busy getting the art and sprites for the game done.
I'm pretty much done with the units right now, and only a few of the tiles have yet to be done, so I'm finally getting somewhere.
We've put the concept art on the concept art page, for now, only the units are on there, because they are drawn big at first. Later a whole spritesheet with all the sprites of the game will be on there.
Next up for me is network code, so my next post will be way less artsy, and more technical. I am looking forward to getting that done though. See you next time!


Friday, January 4, 2013



Even in the holiday we work at our project. The path finding algorithm is finally done and we have got a playable game now. Although our game is far from finished, I am kind of proud to announce that the artificial intelligence for the tutorial is working as well. It is very dumb but it is able to walk and attack the player.

We are getting closer to our end game and it is nice to actually see the progress now!

Tim Hoogenkamp